The Special Raffle is Sold Out. Thank to all who made it a great success!
We will be sending out an eblast to all who purchased tickets regarding
the upcoming drawing. We will also have extra prizes to draw for as well.
Keep an eye out for the email.
Raffle Prizes
1) 6 nights at Sunriver Resort and a $1,500 Sunriver gift card ($3,000 value). Special thanks to Sunriver Resorts for their generous donation.
2) Four bottles of Shafer Vineyards Napa Valley wine ($500 value)
3) A foursome at Willamette Valley Country Club ($424 value),
4) Freeman Motors AutoSpa treatment ($300 value)
5) ClickGear 4.0 golf cart and accessory of your choice ($275 value)
6) Deluxe spa experience at Rumi Simone ($225 value)
7) Amazon gift card ($200 value)
8) Five Spice Seafood + Wine Bar gift card ($100 value)
The Oliphant Community Golf Tournament is dedicated to Doug Oliphant because of his unwavering commitment to faith-based community service throughout his life in Lake Oswego, OR. This non-profit event, and your generous contributions, benefit many worthwhile local organizations. This year's recipients are The Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter Ministry, Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels, MIGA — Mobility Impaired Golf Association, the Lake Oswego Police Department Caring Card Program and the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course.