Announcing our 2021 Special Raffle Winners!
1) 4 nights at Sunriver Resort and a $1,000 gift card — Winner: PAMELA KEUNEKG
(Generously donated by Sunriver Resort and Bentley Seed Company)
2) 2 nights at Skamania Lodge and a $700 gift card — Winner: KIMBERLY CLIFTON
(Generously donated by Skamania Lodge and the Oliphant Hoover Family)
3) 2 nights at Timberline Lodge — Winner: GAYLE INMAN
(Generously donated by the Oliphant Hoover Family)
4) 6 bottles of Shafer Vineyards Napa Valley wine — Winner: DOMINIC LISERRE
(Generously donated by Kavish + Kavish)
5) A foursome at Willamette Valley Country Club — Winner: CONNIE WITMARSH
(Generously donated by Willamette Valley Country Club)
6) $150 Costco gift card — Winner: ANITA HARLAN
(Special thanks to Costco for their donation)
7) European Performance Facial at Rumi Simone — Winner: ANGELA GAINES
(Generously donated by Rumi Simone)
8) $200 Amazon gift card — Winner: SANDRA ZAROSINSKI
(Generously donated by Cruise & Travel Specialists)
9) $200 Five Spice Seafood + Wine Bar gift card — Winner: DARRYL BOOM
(Generously donated by Five Spice Seafood + Wine Bar)
Proceeds from the Special Raffle benefit the following local charities
The Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter Ministry, Lake Oswego Meals on Wheels, MIGA — Mobility Impaired Golf Association, the Lake Oswego Police Department Caring Card Program and the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course.