Announcing our 2021 Special Raffle Winners!

1) 4 nights at Sunriver Resort and a $1,000 gift card — Winner: PAMELA KEUNEKG
(Generously donated by Sunriver Resort and Bentley Seed Company) 

2) 2 nights at Skamania Lodge and a $700 gift card — Winner: KIMBERLY CLIFTON
(Generously donated by Skamania Lodge and the Oliphant Hoover Family)

3) 2 nights at Timberline LodgeWinner: GAYLE INMAN
(Generously donated by the Oliphant Hoover Family)

4) 6 bottles of Shafer Vineyards Napa Valley wine — Winner: DOMINIC LISERRE
(Generously donated by Kavish + Kavish)

5) A foursome at Willamette Valley Country Club — Winner: CONNIE WITMARSH
(Generously donated by Willamette Valley Country Club)

6) $150 Costco gift card — Winner: ANITA HARLAN
(Special thanks to Costco for their donation)

7) European Performance Facial at Rumi Simone — Winner: ANGELA GAINES
(Generously donated by Rumi Simone)

8) $200 Amazon gift card — Winner: SANDRA ZAROSINSKI
(Generously donated by Cruise & Travel Specialists)

9) $200 Five Spice Seafood + Wine Bar gift card — Winner: DARRYL BOOM
(Generously donated by Five Spice Seafood + Wine Bar)

Proceeds from the Special Raffle benefit the following local charities

The Lake Oswego Transitional Shelter MinistryLake Oswego Meals on Wheels, MIGA — Mobility Impaired Golf Association, the Lake Oswego Police Department Caring Card Program and the Lake Oswego Public Golf Course.

Special thanks to all who donated and purchased Special Raffle tickets! See you next year!